Big Questions in Classrooms Science and RE Project Application
Page 1
About your Trust
Name of Multi Academy Trust
Please select...
East of England
East Midlands
West Midlands
Yorkshire and Humber
Total pupil numbers
Number of primary schools
Number of secondary schools
How many of the secondary schools have 6th form provision?
Number of all-through schools
How many of the all-through schools have 6th form provision?
Any other information about your MAT structure that you think it is important for us to know? This may include schools that have recently joined your trust, changes of leadership or particular challenges.
Page 2
Contact Information
First name of CEO
Surname of CEO
Email address of CEO
Telephone number of CEO
Project Lead
this will be the person who co-ordinates the project within your trust
First name of project lead
Surname of project lead
Role in the MAT
Email address of project lead
Telephone number of project lead
Finance contact
Finance contact first name
Finance contact surname
Email address of finance contact
Telephone number of finance contact
Page 3
Curriculum Journey and Organisation
What statement best describes your curriculum journey with respect to RE / RS and Science (please note we are looking for organisations in all of these categories so please choose the closest fit)
Please select...
Science and RE are planned and delivered discretely
There is some shared pedagogical understanding between Science and RE
There is a high level of collaboration and shared pedagogical understanding between Science and RE
Is there any further information you would like to tell us about the way that Science and RE are organised in your MAT? Please include any information about existing collaboration between leaders of these subjects.
150 words remaining
What is your staffing structure for developing and leading the curriculum? Please provide a brief overview.
150 words remaining
Do you have a MAT lead for curriculum?
Do you have a MAT lead for RE / RS?
Do you have a MAT lead for Science?
Are you be able to nominate and support at least three leaders / teachers to be part of this project and to undertake the NPQLT through the Church of England NPQs?
Teacher / leader details
Please add the names of the leaders / teachers that you would like to nominate to be part of this project and to undertake the NPQLT . Further information will be required prior to enrolment on the NPQ programme.
First name of leader / teacher 1
Surname of leader / teacher 1
Email address of leader / teacher 1
First name of leader / teacher 2
Surname of leader / teacher 2
Email address of leader / teacher 2
First name of leader / teacher 3
Surname of leader / teacher 3
Email address of leader / teacher 3
If you have further teachers / leaders to nominate please add their details here.
150 words remaining
Strategic Plans
How does the
Big Questions in Classrooms Science
and RE project align with your Trust's strategic plans for curriculum development? Please provide a brief summary.
250 words remaining
Please read our privacy notice to understand how we will process the data you submit in this application:
Please confirm whether you consent to us processing your data to progress your application
Yes I have read the privacy notice and understand how the Church of England Foundation for Educational Leadership will collect and process my data.
Contact Information