Flourishing Trusts Network 2024/25 Programme Overview and Membership Subscription Form

The Church of England’s Flourishing Trusts Network is open to MAT CEOs and senior leaders within school trusts, offering a collaborative space to listen, engage and discuss insights, to be challenged and supported with peers and other experts sharing educational, business and Christian perspectives.

EVENT 1: Prioritising Vulnerable Pupils across the MAT - SEND Reform, Provision and Training
Venue:     Kings X Church, 242 Pentonville Rd N1 9JY
When:     Thursday, 3rd October 2024
 Time:       9:30 - 10:00 Networking/Coffee, 10:00 - 3.30pm programme,  

EVENT 2:  National Conference 2025 -  CEFEL
Venue:      SAINT Church, Hackney E5 0PD

When:       Wednesday, 22nd January 2025
Time:         10.00am  -  3.30pm 

EVENT 3Flourishing Trusts Network EITHER 1 day programme OR 2 Day Residential 
                    Day 1 included in subscription (overnight and Day 2 will be additional Cost (cost
                     to be confirmed))
Topic:        Strategic Vision in a Changing Landscape – Responding to Political Change, 
                    Casting 5-year vision following the general election.

Venue:       To Be Confirmed
When:       Thurs, 20th March - Friday 21st March  2025

EVENT 4:  Doing more with less? MAT Growth and Financial Sustainability

Venue:       Kings X Church,  242 Pentonville Road, N1 9JY
When:       Thursday 19th June 
Time:           9:30 - 10:00 Networking/Coffee, 10:00 - 3.30pm programme,  

8 regular webinar briefings throughout the year starting on 8th October 2024.   An annual leadership development review conversation
Network Membership Costs

Full Membership subscription is:


·       MATs with 1200 pupils or over @ £1295+VAT for the 2024/25 academic year       for all the provision stated above for 1 place at the Network (does NOT include

        overnight and day 2 of residential).

·       MATs with  under 1200 pupils @ £700+VAT for the 2024/25 academic year for

        all the provision stated above for 1 place at the Network (does NOT include 

        overnight and day 2 of residential).


Additional Senior Trust Leaders can attend any or all in-person events (with the exception of Events 2 – National Conference & 4 – Residential).  

Additional Attendees will attract an additional cost of £100 + VAT per person per Event. These tickets can be booked and purchased on a case by case basis depending on availability as long as the event is not oversubscribed as places will be limited by venue


Additional Senior Trust Leaders in your team can attend some or all of the 6 X Online Briefings  – FREE


As part of our commitment to continuous improvement and enhanced services, we are transitioning from a simple sign-up registration model to a dynamic subscription model

Request contact details

Schools within the Trust

Finance Contact Details
Please provide the details of the person who is responsible for finances within your organisation. We will send the invoice to this contact.

Purchase Order

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