Consultation on Flourishing for All: Anti-Bullying Guidance for Church of England Schools

Thank you for providing your feedback on the draft of Flourishing for All: Anti-bullying Guidance for Church Schools. We really value your response. 

The document currently has two sections:

Part A is an introduction about why it is so important for Church schools to tackle bullying, especially towards those who are most vulnerable.

Part B is the first of a series of specific sections looking at bullying on the basis of Protected Characteristics. This one is about preventing and tackling homophobic, biphobic and transphobic bullying.

We are keen to receive feedback from Church school leaders and staff, Diocesan Boards of Education, churches and faith groups working with schools, as well as parents and other interested parties. We would be particularly keen to hear feedback on Part B from people who are LGBT+. Additionally, where appropriate, we are actively seeking the voice of children and young people (as you will have seen in the document itself).

Your feedback will help shape the document ahead of publication, to ensure it provides the guidance our Church schools need. 

This consultation will close on 31st July 2024. 

Thank you.

Thank you for taking the time to complete the consultation form. You are welcome to leave your feedback anonymously. Alternatively, if you wish to leave your details, this will give us more information about the types of responses received which can help us further shape the guidance. Your data will not be published and you have the right to withdraw your response at any time. Please see our Privacy Notice here: National Church Institutions privacy notice | The Church of England